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Dating. Bar NoneTM

For people who are sober and single, navigating sober dating can be challenging. There are many questions people have, and may stigmas around sobriety that give people the wrong idea about what it’s like to be sober and single.

At Loosid Sober Dating, here are some of the most relevant comments from our public socials that we feel may help you as we enter the new year looking for sober love.

2023 was a great year to be sober. 2024 is even better!

Good luck and happy sober dating!

1. Finding Love in Sobriety: Is It Really That Hard?

Comment: Looking for a girlfriend in AA is like a walk in an insane asylum. Maybe it’s easier with a non-alcoholic.

Our Thoughts: We understand that dating within the sober community can seem daunting. It’s a journey filled with its own set of challenges and rewards. While some may find it easier to connect with non-alcoholic partners, others value the shared experience and understanding that comes from dating someone also in recovery. Our app aims to bridge these diverse preferences, offering a platform that respects and caters to the unique needs of each individual.

2. “Is a Sober Dating App Worth the Investment?”

Comment: Paying for a dating app is pointless when you can save by not drinking.

Our Thoughts: Investing in a sober dating app is about more than saving money you might have spent on alcohol. It’s about investing in a supportive community and building meaningful, alcohol-free relationships. The value of our app lies in its ability to connect people on deeper levels, promoting relationships that are grounded in understanding and mutual sobriety.

3. Does Alcohol Really Boost Confidence in Dating?

Comment: You need alcohol to be confident in dating, especially to handle rejection.

Our Thoughts: While it’s common to think alcohol gives confidence, true confidence comes from being authentic and genuine. Our app encourages honest, sober communication, which we believe leads to more meaningful and lasting connections. True confidence in dating is about being yourself, and our platform supports that authenticity.

4. The Misconception of Dating Someone in Recovery

Comment: Dating a sober person means waiting for them to relapse.

Our Thoughts: This comment fails to recognize the strength and commitment of individuals in recovery. People in recovery often demonstrate incredible resilience and dedication to maintaining their sobriety. Our app provides a supportive environment that celebrates these qualities, fostering positive and understanding relationships among individuals who are committed to a sober lifestyle.

5. Addressing Stigmas in Sober Dating

Comment: Don’t date a recovering alcoholic; they’re always an alcoholic.

Our Thoughts: This statement reflects a common stigma around recovery. Sobriety is a journey of transformation and growth, and our app is designed to support this. We connect people who appreciate the challenges and triumphs of living sober, fostering a community where relationships are built on mutual respect, understanding, and a shared commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

In conclusion, these comments showcase the wide array of viewpoints on sober dating. They inspire us to continue our mission of providing a welcoming, non-judgmental space where individuals in recovery can form meaningful connections. Join our community and discover a world of sober relationships built on understanding, respect, and shared experiences.

Join Loosid. The Best Sober
Dating. Bar NoneTM